Pay Your Subscription

Why do I get a Subscription Notice?

All of our Fire Fighters are unpaid volunteers who graciously volunteer their time to keep this organization functioning safely and with the best coverage they can provide.

Robie Creek fire district is a subscription fire district.  This means it does not get funding from annual property taxes, but instead must send out subscription notices(annually) t o it's constituents in order to pay for it's services.  Robie Creek Volunteer Fire Department does occasionally get some grants, but it is normally in the shape of equipment along with other organizations within the county or the state. 

What does my Subscription Pay For?

 Subscriptions end up paying for things like:

Without these subscriptions the fired department would have to either change to a taxing district, or not be able to keep the vehicles running and respond to incidents. This would mean closing down the fire departments, which would significantly increase many constituents costs as insurance premiums are heavily tied to whether a house has a fire department protecting it. 

When you pay your subscription each year, it puts you in good standing. Beyond feeling good for supporting your local fire department, a member in good standing gets the following benefits:

Pay Your Subscription Today

Subscriptions cover all connected property.  The fee per subscription increased by $10 this year in accordance with the by-laws, and it is $140 per contiguous property.

The county does not indicate when properties are connected.  If your invoice indicates more than one billed property and it should be combined with a connecting property, please mail only the amount for one property and include a note saying "contiguous".  

You can pay your subscription by either mailing in your payment or paying through Quickbooks using the instructions below.  If you would rather mail in your payment, please ensure you include the reference number from your subscription (or your parcel number if you don't have the reference number).  

Send your Check to 

Robie Creek Volunteer Fire Department
349 Robie Creek Road, Boise, ID 83716

Pay One Time or recurring through Quickbooks

Send your email address and invoice number to  You will receive an electronic invoice which you can pay directly.